What does the final I-CARE cohort represent in a few figures ?
For the patients
patient researcher’s actors of this project
patients contacted for the study purposes
eDiaries sent to patients
eDiaries completed by patients
For the investigators
assessable patients
patient – years
of compliance in the ePRO completion
medical reports collected for the coding
of unresolved queries on Annual Summaries
An Annual summary is a recap of data collected along 12 months of follow-up coming from a patient's ePRO questionnaires. It is dedicated to investigators and serves for the control quality of data collection from patient declaration
31/03/2022 : End of Study for all patients 16/05/2022 : last patient out 17/03/2023 : database freezing
508 Participating Investigators 305 Study Nurses 22 contributors (GETAID and external contributors) 15 participating countries
Total included population
Total number of included patients :
13 262
France: 3757
United Kingdom : 2985
Italy : 1051
Greece : 961
Sapin : 1026
Belgium : 601
Germany : 560
Denmark : 420
Israel : 465
Ireland : 389
Portugal : 382
Hungary : 317
Netherland : 139
Sweden : 114
Poland : 91
Assessable population (= Patients with at least 2 ePro completed)
Repartition of total number of assessable patients per country (10 206 patients)
Repartition of assessable population per treatment (10206 patients)
Group 1: Patients having never received biological agents or immunosuppressant (all 5-ASA and steroids formulations are permitted) and then (protocol amendment n°7) patients receiving no ongoing immunosuppressant and biologic agent at inclusion in I-CARE study (all previous medication accepted) (all 5-ASA and steroids formulations are permitted)
Group 2: Patients receiving thiopurines alone
Group 3: Patients treated with anti-TNF therapy alone without any concomitant immunosuppressant
Group 4: Patients treated with anti-TNF therapy in combination with thiopurines or methotrexate
Group 5a: Patients treated with vedolizumab alone (without any concomitant immunosuppressant)
Group 5b: Patients treated with vedolizumab in combination with thiopurines or methotrexate.
Group 6: Patients treated with ustekinumab with or without any concomitant medications.
Coding status (Based on data extraction on 15th sept 2022)
*between 04/03/2016 (First Patient included) and 16/05/2022 (Last Patient Out)
Total Number of Events (TNE) TO BE CODED = 3918 (Based on data extraction on 15th sept 2022)
*TBD : Coding status to be determined
Coding done
To code
Cancer N=194
Dysplasia N=167
Hospitalisation N= 2805
Infection N=675
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